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The all-in-one business intelligence solution from illuminis!

We combine fantastic, easy to use business reporting software with access to our skilled data analysts included in a single monthly fee

Acclaimed reporting software!

Automatically – every day, several times each day or in real time – Octelas Business Reporting Software combines all of the data in your business systems, including spreadsheets.
Our data analysts tailor our suite of template reports to your exact needs – and will adapt and add to your reports as your business needs change, free of charge.
Powered by algorithms that can instantly find and interpret all of the connections in your business data, Octelas puts you in control through self-drive business reporting.
Investigate and track any aspect of your
business performance whenever you want to, on computer, tablet, or smart phone


Automate processes and eliminate spreadsheets

Our data analysts will meet with you to discuss your most time consuming processes and incorporate them into our software wherever possible. With Octelas business intelligence software installed, all spreadsheets are eliminated – for good!


Initial consultations

We have experience of over 20 different ERPs, however we understand companies can utilise them in different ways. We will schedule several meetings to completely understand the fundamentals of your business to allow us to tailor the software to your specific needs

Ongoing consultations

Regular meetings will be scheduled to discuss your current business requirements and to show you how you can get more out of our service. For example, you may be interested in our Customer Portal module.

Business logic

A suite of standard reports will be available to you once our software is installed, but we know businesses sometimes use ERPs creatively to accommodate a particular need. Our data analysts will meet with you to discuss your exact reporting needs and build the reports you need in just a few days. We can even set up routine push emails to send you alerts for a whole variety of event

Business Targets

We will integrate your business KPIs and budgets (such as sales budgets) into the Octelas business intelligence software, whether that’s at company, area, region, product group, part or sales rep level. Allowing you to plan and monitor your business progress easily

Access to data analysts and developers 

Business needs change and our service includes access to data analysts when you need them

Watch our founder Paul North discuss Business Intelligence