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The easy way to get the reports you need from your Sage 200 accounting package

Your Sage 200 system is highly sophisticated so can be difficult to get to grips with.

Designed to offer lots of clever ways to capture crucial information, you really do need a very high level of data skill to get the most out of it.

In this short video, Paul North MD of illuminis Insight Software explains why.

If you don’t have access to a data analyst, chances are that you just manually extract the information you need, even though this is massively time-consuming and frankly, unreliable. Errors will creep in and if you rely on spreadsheets, everyone will have their own version of the truth!

Octelas business reporting software gives you skill- free, immediate one click access to all your Sage data. We can even combine it with your all your other data sources, including spreadsheets. Which means you always have the full picture, every day, in just one click.

Octelas is the business reporting software you have been looking for. Designed specifically for SMEs, it’s installed in just a few days, with reports completely tailored to your business needs.

Octelas, the one-stop shop for all your business reporting

Our Octelas product is all you need for immediate, self-service reporting across your whole business. We connect all your data sources – and spreadsheets – into a single database stored on your equipment or cloud server. We set up the reports for you and our data analysts will keep on looking after you as your reporting needs change, at no extra cost. With a fixed set-up cost and a simple monthly fee, you always know exactly where you stand with us.

Don’t take our word for it. Check out what our clients have to say:

To find out more, check us out at and click here for a demo or call us on 01908 410480 and we will be very happy to tell you more about our software for SMEs.